Tag: dwd

  • Phishing campaign targeting Indiana Department of Workforce Development’s (DWD) Uplink

    Phishing campaign targeting Indiana Department of Workforce Development’s (DWD) Uplink

    On the 21st of January, security researchers at Shreshta, had uncovered a phishing website impersonating the Indiana Department of Workforce Uplink website. During further investigations, we discovered a more extensive phishing campaign. Get free access to Newly registered domain names (NRD) community feeds Newly registered domain names or recently registered domains can be a potential…

  • Phishing targeting Indiana Department of Workforce Development

    Phishing targeting Indiana Department of Workforce Development

    Security researchers at Shreshta IT, using our threat intelligence platform SDINET, have identified a phishing targeting Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD) automated self-service Unemployment Insurance system. About Indiana Department of Workforce Development’s (DWD) Uplink is the name of the Indiana Department of Workforce Development’s automated self-service Unemployment Insurance system. The Uplink Claimant Self-Service System enables…