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Community Services

This page lists the community services we offer, including our CheckOpenResolver, ShadowFinder, Newly registered domain name feeds and Whois API etc


This service allows Internet users to verify if their router, firewall, or CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) device functions as an open resolver. An open resolver can be exploited in DNS amplification attacks, posing a significant risk to your network security. Use our tool to safeguard your infrastructure against these vulnerabilities.


ShadowFinder is a service for domain name registrants that detects domain shadowing attacks.

Newly registered domain name feeds

Receive daily updates of newly registered domain names with our weekly and monthly community feeds.

Our community feeds are included if you are using MISP(Malware Information Sharing Platform).

Whois API

Are you looking for a reliable, easy-to-use, and free Whois API? Our new Whois API service offers fast, accurate domain information data, making it an ideal solution for security researchers, SOC analysts etc


Our threat research team shares insights into the latest cyber threats, cutting-edge research, and deep dives into threat actors’ techniques.

Our DNS operations and security team shares valuable information on domain name threats and the latest developments in DNS research.

If you have any feedback about any of our community services, please reach out to us at

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